When you’re selling in the Kelowna real estate market, consider some of the evolved home staging tips to help your home sell faster.

In just a minute and a half, statistics say, a potential homebuyer decides whether they feel like could drop their bags and move in, or if they want to move on to the next listing. Over the years, our Kelowna realtors have found while online tools can bring buyers to your listing, what you need for great photos and the kind of successful viewings that seal deals, is some home staging.

But not the original variety of staging that left spaces feeling like sterile store aisles. We’re talking about new-school staging in 2015, for real people who want a home and a lifestyle.

If you’re thinking about putting your home up for sale, today’s staging techniques will help you compete in the ever-active Kelowna real estate market, and that often translates to fewer days on the market and sometimes higher prices.

Whether you’re outsourcing home staging to a professional, or you’re keen to do it yourself, here are some tips that will help your home become someone else’s.


Home Staging1. Staging is a state of mind

The first rule of home staging, particularly for the sellers, is to remember that you need to let go of the space as “my home” and think of it as a property you want to sell. Detach and begin to pack. Only when you let go of it and show off your home’s best features will strangers begin to imagine themselves in the space, and that’s when the offers come in.

Homeowners often turn to professional Home Staging companies or even just advice from Kelowna realtors for this very reason—the objectivity needed to get rid of nick-nacks and well-loved throws to build a neutral nest that will appeal to your buyer.


Home Staging2. Stage with your buyer in mind

Let’s say you have a beautiful condo in downtown Kelowna. Take a look at your neighbors in the elevator. Your buyer is apt to be people starting in their twenties and thirties, or people downgrading later in life. What does that group like and look for in a property? Stainless steel appliances? Contemporary furniture and art? Then infuse your Home Staging with that.

If you’re among the homeowners selling Kelowna real estate that boasts stunning lakefront views, your luxury property is more likely to attract people in mid-life looking for a second home or a pre-retirement home. You’re selling a lifestyle, and your space needs to reflect that with high-end everything and little touches  (from original artwork to statement plants) designed for entertaining and enjoying the good life (and those views!).


Home Staging3. Don’t forget your yard

Imagine you’re in the backseat of your realtor’s car, making your way along Lakeshore Road into the thick of Upper Mission. The car stops. The home on the left has two cherry trees on either side of the front door, flanked by streams of begonias, hydrangeas, and decorative grasses. The house on the right has a lovely blue stone path and a green lawn. Which home are you drawn to?

First impressions count for everything. Remember when you’re considering Home Staging you need to include the impression your landscaping will make. To create a home that evokes warmth and permanency, add an array of trees of flowers that complement the style of your home.


When you’re ready to sell, what you need most are professionals committed to selling your property with all the tools available. Contact the experienced and award-winning Kelowna realtors at Quincy Vrecko & Associates.


free market evaluationA free market evaluation is a great way to learn more about the value of your property in the real estate marketplace. If you are considering selling your home, a market evaluation can help you set a realistic list price for your property. We offer a free online market evaluation tool that can help us assess your home and determine what your home may sell for in the current real estate climate.


free market evaluation

Multiple factors are analyzed when assessing the market value of your property, including location, age, size, amenities, and comparable homes that are currently on the market or that have recently been sold. Price is arguably the most important aspect of selling a property and a well-priced home can attract a buyer quickly, without undercutting the value of the property. Having a free market evaluation can help you make a more informed decision when it comes to listing a property, giving you an idea of what your property may sell for in the current real estate market and financial climate.


free market evaluation

You can start your free market evaluation with our convenient online form. It will help us make an initial assessment of your property’s value, and we can then work with you to get a more accurate market evaluation. To determine the most accurate price range for your property, we can also arrange to view it in person, at no cost and no obligation to you.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email the VREG team at [email protected]. We look forward to working with you!

When it comes to the real estate market in Kelowna, one of the city’s biggest selling points is that it is a city for all seasons, and it is! With four distinct seasons, Kelowna weather includes scorchingly hot summers and great alpine skiing! Enjoy award-winning wines and amazing golf courses 12 months of the year, Kelowna is a four-season playground!

If you haven’t checked out our Kelowna relocation guide yet, you should! It’s stacked with lots of excellent info to help you navigate Kelowna and best of all, it’s free! The guide has details on everything from Kelowna’s vibrant cultural life to shops, fine dining, and more.

While our guide is detailed and comprehensive, we thought we would list some of the reasons that Kelowna is a city for all seasons, because it is something that comes up a lot!


Spring is a great time to get out on the golf course and perfect your swing! Kelowna weather is perfect and the area boasts several magnificent golf courses.


In the summer, Kelowna’s population swells as vacationers visit the city, and it’s easy to see why. With award-winning wineries, plentiful beaches, a glistening lake, and all of the activities that go along with that. Kelowna weather invites boating and wakeboarding, beach volleyball, winery & and brewery tours. Kelowna is THE place to be in the summer! The hottest recorded temperature in Kelowna’s history occurred in August 1998, with the mercury hitting 41.0c. Don’t worry though, it’s not always that hot!


The fall is a great time to visit the summit of Kelowna’s Knox Mountain, or a similar vantage point, and take in a spectacular view of the city with all those lovely fall colors on display. It’s also a great time to hike one of the many trails around Kelowna. The temperature cools off, but the overall Kelowna weather remains warm in comparison to other Canadian cities.


When it comes to winter fun, the big activities are skiing and snowboarding, and Big White Ski Resort is a world-class destination for both. Big White is popular with both locals and tourists alike and offers something for the whole family – even if skiing isn’t your thing.

There’s so much more to do and see in Kelowna too, so download our free Kelowna relocation guide and see what you’re missing!

If you have any questions about the Kelowna real estate market, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

kelowna weather