Entering the housing market can be such an exciting and overwhelming time, understanding the logistics of a deal can help ease any stress that comes with the process.

How would you describe today’s housing market when it comes to deals?
“Canada’s Housing Market is Red Hot” is something we have continued to hear regarding the current housing market since last year. Although we have seen a marginal slowdown, we are still facing a high volume of deals that are still coming up on closings. Take that and mix it with recently written business deals and we have the tight timeline climate we are currently facing.
How is this affecting the industry?
Funding representatives, realtors lawyers, and inspectors are all facing higher volumes than they have ever seen. It has been said that Kelowna lawyers recently faced some of the highest volumes in history. This is wonderful for realtors and other entities in the industry, as well as home buyers, but it might reduce the amount of time you thought you had to get your affairs for your real estate transaction.
How does the documentation process work within a deal?
Upon the accepted offer of your subject property, you will receive a completed Contract of Purchase and Sale (CPS). Upon receipt, this needs to go to your funding representative and lawyer of your choosing. Some lawyers in the Kelowna area aren’t accepting files that close on or after early August, so getting them your CPS regardless of the closing date allows you to reserve a spot in their schedule.
Ideally, if you have a financing subject, along with the other standard subjects such as inspections and review of strata documents (specific to condo and bare land strata purchases) the ideal threshold for full subject removal is 10 days. During these 10 days, not only will you be arranging partners to try to satisfy each subject, but your funding representative will be submitting for approval and lawyers will be getting your file ready for closing.
Once subjects have been removed, your Subject Removal document, along with the authorized Title and Property Disclosure statement (in most cases) will also need to get to your funding representative and lawyer so they can continue to move the file along. If each partner in the process has enough time to do their due diligence and submissions, deadlines can be met with ease. If there isn’t enough time, subject removal dates have to be adjusted and everyone is left in the lurch and dates have to be moved. If you are facing a purchase where some of the standard subjects aren’t taken into consideration the timeline can be different, but these are things to keep in mind for your average transaction.
What are your tips for meeting deadlines and making sure the deal runs smoothly?
Real estate transactions can be stressful for anyone, which is why I am a big believer in allowing the necessary amount of time to make sure everyone can attend to their part of the puzzle. If you are working with us I will be the one taking care of this liaising for you. Coming from a mortgage background, I know firsthand the importance of all parties being up-to-date and properly informed as the transaction proceeds. As long as you have the right team of professionals assisting you along the way, we can keep each stage completed as seamlessly as possible. Good luck and happy house hunting! I look forward to speaking with you!